Green Day and Logan Hicks have teamed up to create a traveling art exhibition which will be with Green Day on their world tour. Street artists have created pieces inspired by Green Day’s latest album, 21st Century Breakdown. STOLENSPACE GALLERY
Dray Walk, The Old Truman Brewery
91 Brick Lane
London E1 6QL
United Kingdom
dates: 22.10.09 - 01.11.09
Broken Crow (Minneapolis) // “Song of the Century” // www.brokencrow.com
Ron English (New York) // “21st Century Breakdown” // www.popaganda.com
London Police (Amsterdam) // “Know Your Enemy” // www.thelondonpolice.com
C215 (Paris) // “Viva La Gloria!” // www.myspace.com/c215
Dabs/Myla (Melbourne) // “Before the Lobotomy” // www.dabsmyla.com
Meggs (Melbourne) // “Christian’s Inferno” // www.houseofmeggs.com
Lucamaleonte (Rome) // “Last Night On Earth” // www.lucamaleonte.blogspot.com
Chris Stain (New York) // “East Jesus Nowhere” //www.chrisstain.com
M-City (Gdansk) // “Peacemaker” // www.m-city.org
Eelus (London) // “Last of the American Girls” // www.eelus.com
Adam5100 (San Francisco) // “Murder City” //www.adam5100.com
Will Barras (London) // “Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl) // www.willbarras.com
Peat Wollaeger (Saint-Louis) // “Restless Heart Syndrome”// www.stensoul.com
Sixten (Sweden, Toronto) // “Horseshoes and Handgrenades”// www.thismachinekills.com
Sadhu (Paris) // “The Static Age” // www.myspace.com/sadhu1
Pisa 73 (Berlin) // “21 Guns” // www.pisa73.com
Jeremiah Garcia (Los Angeles) // “American Eulogy” // www.n10z.com
Component (Auckland) // “See The Light”// www.component.co.nz
Logan Hicks (New York) //Portraits of Green Day // www.loganhicks.com
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